⊛ indicates peer reviewed publications
Book chapters
Terryn, F. 2024. “Lo shinhanga: fra modernità e tradizione.” In Shinhanga: la nuova onda delle stampe giapponesi, edited by Paola Scrolavezza, 34-37. Milano: Skira.
⊛ Terryn, F. 2023. “Playful Pictures as Satire: Utagawa Hiroshige III Capitalizing on the Shift in Political Power during the Boshin War.” In Voiced and Voiceless in Asia, edited by H. Zawiszová and M. Lavička. Palacký University Olomouc, 265-292. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc.
Terryn, F. 2022. “Japanese Art in Belgium in the 1920s: Hidden Treasures and Public Celebrations.” In Japan’s Book Donation to the University of Louvain – Japanese Cultural Identity and Modernity in the 1920s, edited by J. Schmidt, W. Vande Walle, and E. Mennens, 208-215. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Terryn, F. 2021. “Japanese woodblock prints and the Meiji state: Production, reception, and intention in the prints of Tsukioka Yoshitoshi and Utagawa Hiroshige III,” PhD dissertation. University of Leuven (KU Leuven).
Journal articles
⊛ Terryn, F. 2024. “Manufactured Goods on Display: Japanese Woodblock Prints at the National Industrial Exhibitions of 1877 and 1881.” East Asian Publishing and Society 14 (2): 135-185.
Terryn, F. 2023. “Kawanabe Kyōsai and Émile Guimet: Revisiting Guimet’s role as Kyōsai’s discoverer,” Andon 116 (December): 39-58.
Terryn, F. 2022. “Love for sale: Hiroshige III’s Instructions on How to Be a Good Wife.” Wasshoi 4: 36-49.
Terryn, F. 2022. “What’s in a Name? Utagawa Hiroshige III and the Art of Reinventing Oneself.” Wasshoi 3: 28–41.
⊛ Terryn, F. 2021. “Image and Text to Educate the Nation: Reinterpreting the Woodblock Print Series Pictorial Record of Products of Great Japan.” Archaeological Review from Cambridge 36.2: 171–91.
⊛ Terryn, F. 2020. “To Exhibit or Not to Exhibit: The Ministry of the Interior and Japanese Woodblock Prints at the World’s Fairs of 1876 and 1878.” Annals of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures ("Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University), 18(1), 166-189.